Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Garden Grows

Well I finally have a garden in front of the house. The four-o'clocks sprung up on their own in the backyard in 2007 - the bulbs must have floated to the odd places they sprung up. That and the Madonna statue came with the house. The brick borders were salvaged from a house being torn down on the block, as well as one of the pink flamingos hiding behind the post.

I have the good fortune of living on a former tomato grove. Things like to grow in Gallo Park!

The plastic chairs were the first things we bought after the storm; I think we paid $5 each from an Eckerd Drug in Georgia. They've held up so well that I thought I'd seek out the manufacturer and buy some higher-end ones. Surprisingly, they were made in the U.S.A.! But alas, Syroco (the Syracuse Ornamental Company), founded in the 1890's, closed down in 2007, a victim of volatile resin prices, low-priced imported resin chairs and dealing with big-box retailers.